
Is Your Sin Making You Sick?

We are obsessed with washing our hands to prevent the spread of bacteria. But we should be more concerned about the germs of sin that have infiltrated our souls.

March 6

Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin . .
Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean . .
. (Psalm 51:2,7)

Tide, the laundry detergent, has a new cleaning pen with a solution inside of it to clean fabric without water, a new kind of clean.

Likewise, God can cleanse you in such a way that even when you start looking for sin, there is no evidence of it.

People will often look at you and say that you do not look like what you have been through.

That is because God cleanses at a much deeper level, purging us with the blood of Jesus Christ.

Be Encouraged!